Orchestration &
Automation for

Service Provider Networks

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Service Provider Networks are Complex, Diverse, & Distributed

Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are facing more pressure than ever before to accelerate adoption of new technologies and offer new services while ensuring their networks perform without failure. With the explosive growth in cloud-application usage, IoT, mobile devices, and extending connectivity and computing to the edge with 5G, CSPs are accelerating plans to increase capacity, throughput, and new capabilities, forcing their engineering teams to improve efficiency and velocity for delivering and managing network services. At the same time, CSPs are eager to incorporate new technologies such as AIOps, machine learning, and closed-loop orchestration into their network operations.

As a result, CSPs are looking to deploy end-to-end orchestration and automation to respond to the increasing demands and accelerate new product introduction while maintaining service delivery and quality commitments. With most CSP networks spanning multiple domains (cloud, mobile, WAN, RAN, edge, transport, data center, managed services, etc.) and requiring a higher level of investment and management, the right orchestration solution is needed to support an increasingly diverse set of technologies, vendors, and systems.

Appledore Research Podcast: Orchestrating to $100 Billion With Itential

Itential Accelerates Digital Transformation for SPs Around the World

Lumen Accelerates Customer Service Delivery through Network Automation & Orchestration with Itential

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rectangular photo of an office building with the telecom italia logo on it representing an itential case study on network automation

How Telecom Italia Built End-to-End Network Orchestration to Increase Efficiencies and Reduce Time to Market

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rectangular photo of an office building with the Deutsche Telekom logo on it representing an itential case study on network automation

Deutsche Telekom: The Automation Journey of an Integrated Telecommunications Company

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Why Communications Service Providers Trust Itential to Orchestrate & Automate their Critical Infrastructure

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We originally chose Itential to help accelerate our network automation efforts because of Itential’s intuitive user-interfaces and out-of-the-box integrations with our DevOps tools. Once we saw the power and speed that we were able to obtain with Itential we started expanding it to work with our other controllers and orchestration deployments as well. The Itential solution allowed us to combine what we were doing with Ansible, Cisco and soon an SD-WAN provider, into a single, cohesive network automation strategy.”

-Senior Director, Top North America Service Provider

Benefits Delivered to CSPs

Accelerated Time to Market
Itential orchestration users have reduced timelines to introduce new services and to activate new customers by up to 90%, driving faster revenue and reduced customer activation costs.

OPEX & CAPEX Reduction
Effective orchestration can reduce OPEX by up to 80% for network operations use cases, while driving CAPEX reduction through more effective utilization of existing assets.

Increased Customer Satisfaction
Orchestration and automation eliminate manual errors and can perform event-driven closed-loop operations to improve service availability and quality.

Dynamic, Real-Time Service Delivery
By replacing multiple-handoffs and ticket-driven activation processes with full-process orchestration, customer activations that once took days or weeks can be orchestrated in minutes.

Itential Cross-Domain Orchestration Capabilities for Communications Service Providers

The Itential Automation Platform is based on a fundamentally unique approach to cross-domain orchestration and was designed with the vision of the future telecom network – a cloud-centric, multi-domain, multi-vendor, multi-technology network environment with programmability at every level. One that enables service providers to dynamically offer high-value, emergent services with optimal performance at a minimal operating cost. To achieve this vision, Itential created a new type of orchestration platform based on the following principles:

Integrate with Anything

The value of an orchestration platform increases exponentially for each system, network, and environment that it can integrate with. The Itential architecture is based on a rapid-integration model, enabling CSPs to quickly and easily integrate with any system or technology in your ecosystem – including network function vendors, OSS vendors, open source elements, and in-house developed systems.

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Real-Time Federation

In the CSP environment, real-time network information exists in multiple locations and in multiple formats, which can complicate the creation of end-to-end orchestration use cases. Recognizing the importance of providing an easy way to organize, consume, and manage network information, Itential has created patent-pending federation technology that enables NetOps teams to create a ‘meta-map’ of all connected resources for easy consumption.

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Simplify Orchestration for Everyone

The Itential Automation Platform simplifies orchestration for everyone, making it easy for domain-expert network engineers to easily create powerful end-to-end workflows without scripting or coding. Our low-code environment exposes data for easy-to-use creation of workflows as well as Pre-Built Workflows for accelerating orchestration across all use cases.

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Cross-Domain Orchestration Use Cases

  • Enterprise wireless customer service activation and service lifecycle for 4G and 5G, including cross-domain orchestration of transport (TN) and Core domains.
  • Cross-Domain orchestration for fixed access B2B and B2C across a range of fixed access technologies.
  • Orchestration of 5G core instantiation.
  • Orchestration of wireless edge, including edge site creation/lifecycle management, tenant placement and networking, and cloud network orchestration.
  • Wireless transport network creation and day 2+ lifecycle for 4G and 5G.
  • Mobile core (4G/5G) cross-domain orchestration.
  • Orchestration of network migration and network evolution.
  • TMF-compliant service orchestration for mobility services.
  • Cross-domain network orchestration (mobile core, access, IP domains).

Recognized by Leading Industry Analysts

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Itential Solutions for Service Providers

Cell Site Backhaul

Dramatically accelerate 5G deployment, create the foundation for 5G transport network slicing, and reduce costs by orchestrating backhaul implementation and operations.
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Mobile Edge Compute

Orchestration for MEC site network creation, growth, and migration to gain greater velocity for MEC deployments.
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5G Automation

Rapidly operationalize orchestration for the deployment and management of 5G networks.
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Data Center

Fully orchestrate data center network operations lifecycle from the creation and operation of modern data center switched-fabric networks.
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Simplify and orchestrate the management and configuration processes for SD-WAN to drastically reduce risks and improve efficiency.
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Enterprise Managed Services

Evolve enterprise managed services through network automation and orchestration.
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Orchestrated Order Management

End-to-end orchestration of network service lifecycle across multiple network technologies and vendors with Itential’s App for ServiceNow Order Management.
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