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Itential Automation & Orchestration for Multi-Domain Networks

ACG Research Places Itential in the Top 6 Suppliers of Cross Domain Network Orchestration Systems

ACG’s Domain Control and Orchestration research focuses on the emerging market for software systems for automated network provisioning and assurance.  CSP networks are large and complex with multiple interworked technologies, requiring multiple skill sets and tools to manage them effectively. To manage and evolve these networks typically requires their deployment be divided into domains, often by technology or service. A tiered management structure has evolved that seeks to automate provisioning and assurance functionality within a domain (using domain controllers and applications) as well as across domains (using cross-domain functionality often called orchestration software).

ACG Research: Itential Vendor Profile

ACG Research has placed Itential in the top 6 suppliers of Cross Domain Network Orchestration Systems. According to ACG, Itential provides a modern, cloud-native, full-functionality cross- domain orchestration software product that can be used by CSPs that want to implement these functions with limited involvement of the software vendor or systems integrator. Its forward-looking architecture positions it well as both a near-term way of automating current network operations as well as being a fundamental part of a CSP’s long-term journey toward implementing autonomous networks.

Download the report to learn ACG’s take on:

  • Itential’s products for the cross-domain orchestration market
  • Itential’s position in ACG Research’s market segmentation
  • Itential SWOT analysis & key differentiators according to ACG Research
  • Customer point of view from a Tier 1 US Wireless Carrier

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