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Itential Automation Platform

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Transformation Project

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Allocate One Number


This Pre-Built Transformation consists of a JST document that finds the first available number from an array of values (range of integers). The array is constructed by taking example values for the start and end values that span from 0 through 255, and the array is a collection of numbers that can be allocated, for example [200,199,0,1,2,3,4,100,101,150]. The output from this JST is an object containing the next available number in the array, e.g. {"assigned": 5}. In cases where there is no number available, then the output object would be {"assigned": false}. Another example for this can be [149,19,0,2,3,4,100,101,150]. The output from this JST will be {"assigned": 1}. Some potential use cases for this JST would be an array of port numbers, or IP addresses where only 1 quadrant (0-255) can be handled.

Estimated Run Time: Depends on the array size, but typically within seconds.

How to Install

To install the Pre-Built:

  • Verify you are running a supported version of the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) as listed above in the Requirements section.
  • The Pre-Built can be installed from within App-Admin_Essential. Simply search for the name of your desired Pre-Built and click the install button.