
How to Allocate Bulk IP Addresses from a Spreadsheet in IAP

Itential helps network engineers streamline and automate the management of IP addresses as part of the automation workflows. Users can upload and process their Excel spreadsheets directly into Itential, cutting any manual copy pasting, while also integrating with popular inventory platforms like NetBox.

Allocating bulk IP addresses with a simple spreadsheet is made easy with the Itential Automation Platform’s JSON Forms, detailing essential information such as host name, desired address pool, and the allocation status.

In this ItentiaLearn demo learn step-by-step how to:

  • Create a JSON Form to upload a spreadsheet to Itential to trigger an automation.
  • Parse data from a spreadsheet and transform data using a JSON Transformation for use in NetBox.
  • Use a child job to execute a nested workflow in a loop, efficiently handling a list of IP address allocation requests.
  • Confirm that the newly allocated IP addresses are reflected alongside host and address pool information in NetBox.

Demo Notes

(So you can skip ahead, if you want.)

00:00 Introduction & Overview of Demo
00:35 Create a JSON Form to Upload Excel Spreadsheet to Itential
01:34 Automation Workflow Overview
01:53 Parse & Transform Data with Jinja2 Template
03:36 Confirm New IP Addresses Have Been Allocated in NetBox