
IP Fabric Service Path Analysis


The IP Fabric Service Path Analysis Pre-Built can be used to run a simulation of a requested service on the last snapshot within IP Fabric Automated Network Assurance Platform. The Pre-Built consists of a task that takes the last snapshot and runs the simulation for the service request and then identifies the impacted/affected existing firewall rules/switches/routers.

Operations Manager and JSON-Form

This workflow has an Operations Manager item that calls a workflow. The Ops Manager item uses a JSON-Form to specify common fields populated when analyzing a requested service within IP Fabric. The workflow the Ops Manager item calls queries data from the formData job variable.


Estimated Run Time: 1min

How to Install

To install the Pre-Built:

  • Verify you are running a supported version of the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) as listed above in the Requirements section in order to install the Pre-Built.
  • The Pre-Built can be installed from within App-Admin_Essential. Simply search for the name of your desired Pre-Built and click the install button (as shown below).